APDT Annual Conference

Cypress Lakes Resort, Hunter Valley NSW

Thursday 12 October – Sunday 15 October

Workshop and Seminar

Workshops and Seminar

There are 4 optional paid workshops being held at the Resort on Thursday 14 November

There are 2 paid workshops in the morning and 2 paid workshops in the afternoon


APDT Member

$90.00 – 1 x 3.5 hour workshop

$150.00 – 2 x 3.5 hour workshops


$120.00 – 1 x 3.5 hour workshop

$180.00 x – 2 x 3.5 hour workshops

Each workshop will include a catering break


Time: 8.30am – 12.00pm

Core Training Tools and Practices

Presenter: Ken Ramirez

A review of basic operant conditioning skills through the eyes of an experienced trainer. Why revisiting the basics is so important for trainers at all levels

Time: 8.30am – 12.00pm

What’s so Therapeutic about Nose Work?

Presenter: Peta Clarke

Nose Work, scent work, sniff work – I think we all understand the value of letting our dogs use their nose. Why is it so valuable to them? Lots of possibilities for us to explore there, and we will.

But saying “go to nose work classes, its great for shy / reactive / fill in the problem behaviour here dogs” as a general statement is wrong and quite simply potentially dangerous.

So what do we need to look for when we have a dog that desperately needs the therapy side a nose work class can offer? That’s what we will explore in this session through real examples – both failure and successes.

Time: 1.00pm – 4.30pm

Intra-Household Dog to Dog Aggression

Presenter: Michael Shikashio

Do you have dogs that fight over resources in your home? Do you struggle with determining why the dogs are having conflicts? Are you constantly stressed about when the next dog fight might happen?

This session will cover:

  • Common and not so common reasons dogs get into fights in the home
  • Determining a prognosis for a likely outcome in a case
  • How to safely manage dogs with a history
  • Determining a prognosis for a likely outcome in a case
  • How to safely manage dogs with a history of conflict
  • Misconceptions and myths about intra-household aggression

Time: 1.00pm – 4.30pm

Compassion Fatigue: (Secondary trauma and burnout) Tools for Resilience

Presenter: Dr Vanessa Rohlf


A complimentary one hour seminar will be held on Thursday 14 November. The seminar is open to all attendees

Time: 5.30pm – 6.30pm

Preparing Dogs for the Arrival of a Human Baby

Presenter: Dr Kate Mornment